Monday, October 25, 2010

Why I have converstaions

Conversations keep us sane
Conversation are an informal exchange of thoughts, ideas, opinions and information between individuals. As human beings we have conversations in order to express our opinions, provide insight and knowledge, ask questions and engage with others. Many people have conversations to stay sane or at least avoid going insane.

I have conversations to share thoughts, ideas and to learn from others. We are all experts in our own right, whether it be in politics, current affairs, gardening, knowing the best place to find a good burger in town or the best travel agent to use when booking a holiday we are all in our own  special ways experts of some sort. Thus I have conversations in order to learn from experts and share my knowledge and experiences. Plus my personality type which is an ESTJ gets energy and inspiration by conversing and engaging with others which I must admit is very true.

One can learn so much by conversing as it allows one to challenge others, debate and form opinions. Imagine a life without the ability of conversing with others, you would have to embrace the imaginary friend which would result in one never getting any feedback. As individuals we thrive on conversations and feedback. Next time you are having a convo, instead of just talking, think about what you are contributing to the conversation and what you are gaining from the convo. I bet you would start looking at things in a different light.

Conversations with ourselves is normal, right?

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