Sunday, March 21, 2010

Your fears coming true...

It's a Saturday evening & you get the dreaded call no parent wants to get, your 7 year old daughter has been in a horrific car accident & is being rushed to hospital. At first you start questionning the person on the other side of the phone, is this a joke? You saw your daughther 10 minutes ago, how could something so horrific happen so quickly? Your mind gets filled with images, your heart begins to beat faster, your worst nightmare may becoming true. Every parent tries their utmost to protect their children whether they are toddlers, teenagers or adults, you will always be their child no matter your age.

The reality is no parent can ever be prepared to hear the dreaded news that their child may not make it through the night. We are afraid of the wrong things in life, death being one of them. Death at times is seen as the end as you will no longer get to share moments, love, care and create memories with that special person as they will not physically be in your company. Its a harsh reality, one which takes getting used, but the truth is your life will never be the same, you will always feel a constant longing and a certain part of your life will not be fulfilled. The loss of a child for a parent is a life altering experience, an experience which will leave you feeling empty but with time the days will become less dark & you will hopefully be able to remember the light & joy that your child brough to your life.

The truth is we all have fears in life, especially death. You never know when your time will come & that is why it is so important that we dont hold grudges & we sort out the issues that need to be sorted. The saying of "living each day to the fullest" i think we definitely take for granted but we should be living life with no regrets.

My fear of death is real, I dont want to leave a life which involves all my favourite people with so much in life to still accomplish but its a fear that I do not have control over. The important thing that I remember is to make the most of my time here with all the special people in my life, make the difference that I'm meant to & the reality is that one day we will meet again. Why live in fear of death, it will only hinder your ability to actually live & truly enjoy life.

Below are a few lessons learnt from death ~ a fear that will never go way

* Dont wait to live ~ its your time now, its your life so live it.
* Know what makes you happy ~ whether it be your family, friends,
   an activity or helping others, know understand what brings true joy to your life &get enough doses of it.
* Travel ~ it refreshes your soul, whether it be locally or internationally learn about other cultures
* Allow people to get close to you, experience the true you & fall in love with you.
* Surround yourself with people that make you happy & bring out the best in you
* Its time to make a change if you're not living a happy and fulfilling life & that time is NOW.

Death - the last sleep? No, it is the final awakening.
~ Walter Scott ~

1 comment:

  1. I love your points at the bottom - I agree that if you try to live by the principles you have listed at the bottom...even if you life came to an will feel like you lived.
