Sunday, March 28, 2010

Learning from having your heart broken

Having your heart broken is one of the worst feelings one can experience. Its a feeling that no one wants to experience nor is it a feeling that you want those around you to encounter. The truth is we all go through break ups, its part of growing up, learning and living. When you are in the relationship, sharing time together, creating memories and just being together is an amazing part of your life. However if things do not work out, you have a certain feeling of emptiness but with time and prespective, love and care, you get through it.

What is love? LOVE has been defined by wikipedia as "any of a number of emotions related to a sense of strong affection and attachment." Being in Love is a feeling that everyone should experience, you are in a place of absolute happiness. You have someone to share your feelings, thoughts, opinions, happy moments, sad moments and someone to just to you moan but also support you.

One of my favourite people recently went through a break up and this is what she had to say about the initial feeling."You can literally feel your heart break, your breath being forced out of you. Its humiliating, a desperate feeling as you are still in love with the person but the feelings are obviously not mutual. Its a death, the death of your relationship and your future together as you mourn the loss of the person in your life as well as your dreams that you had together."

10 Ways to help you bounce back from a break up

* Be gentle and patient with yourself
* Allow yourself to feel everything, by surpressing the feelings this will only negatively impact the
   healing process.
* Express yourself whether it be verbally or creatively or start a journal
* Give yourself time to heal
* Allow for times of crying, lying in bed all day, eating ice cream
* Do not contact the person
* Lean on the people around you, embrace the solid support by those who care about you.
* Distract yourself by doing the things you love
* Remind yourself that there was a time when you didnt have this person in your life, you survived and you
   were happy before, you need to refind your happiness and your zest for life.
* Have fun, get your smile back and remember you are fabulous

Eat Pray Love is one of my favourite books and below are instructions to follow for freedom which are so true:

  • Life's metaphors are God's instructionsYou have just climed up and above the roof. There is nothing between you and the Infinite. Now, let go.
  • The day is ending. It's time for something that was beautiful to turn into something else that is beautiful. Now, let go.
  • Your wish for revolution was a prayer. Your being here is God's response. Let go, and watch the stars come out-on the outside and on the inside.
  • With all you heart, ask for grace and let go.
  • With all your heart, forgive him, FORGIVE YOURSELF, and let him go.
  • Let your intention be freedom from useless suffering. Then let go.
  • Watch the heat of day pass into the cool night. Let go.
  • When the karma of a relationship is done, only love remains. It's safe. Let go.
  • When the past has passed from you at last, let go. Then climb down and begin the rest of your life. With great joy

Its time to get empowered and as Cher says "I don't need your sympathy. There's nothing you can say or do for me. And I don't want a miracle. You'll never change for no one. 'Cos I'm strong enough to live without you. Strong enough and I quit crying. Long enough now I'm strong enough.To know you gotta go."


  1. People are there to walk in and out of our that we can develop into the person we were meant to be. Character is built when you overcome trials and tribulations. Otherwise how would be ever grow

  2. True Olivia but in that moment you actually can see beyond that moment. However there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel.
