Monday, April 26, 2010

The Precious Stones in our lives

Friendship= Trespassing on a Private Estate Together

Friends are people who you can count on, share wonderful moments with, make memories, cry with, laugh at and just be yourself. These sorts of human beings that you truly connect with, on a deeper more intense level do not come into your life on a daily basis but instead are rare, they are the precious stones that ones needs to dig around the scratch patch before you find the shining, beautiful and precious stone that you know you will keep in your life forever.

When we are young, we have so many friends, get invited to numerous fairy and cowboy parties and not much phases our innocent souls. Our biggest stress is being the angel in the end of year christmas play. As we get older we develop real friendships which test our characters, a test which may result in an end of a friendship or it strengthens the relationship as we learn what makes the other person tick. One learns that a friendship is not just about being an individual, its about being a real person with affection, a teamplayer and someone who is able to give others advice, a good listener and a free spirit. You learn about individuals, their likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, passions and you journey together discovering parts of life whether it be your first love, a death, your first job, passing your drivers, heartache or just sharing your favourite chocolate chip ice cream after a bad day. Spending time with my closest friends makes me appreciate life, its gifts, relationships and I know that one day when we are old & grey we will sit back in our garden chairs, sipping chamomile tea and take a trip down memory lane.
Friendship= fun and happiness


  1. The most important lesson I have learnt is that we have different friends for different reasons. Certain friends who are there to party with and for the good times, and the others who are there to pick you up when down.

    Then there are the precious stones you talk about which take the good times and the bad...those are the ones to treasure. Nice blog.
