Sunday, August 22, 2010

My Top 200 achievements

I definitely think this could be the most challenging blog topic to date. There are certainly achievements, disappointments & life changing moments which we all remember however having to list 200 achievements over my 24 years of living is quite the challenge but lets give it a bash. I think this list will be an ongoing working progress. Lets get it started...
  1. Surving 9 months enclosed in my mothers womb
  2. Making it through my 1st week of being outside the womb, I was so used to being by myself in the dark
  3. I suppose the fact that when you are a baby you get passed from one aunty to the next, I think the fact that my neck stayed in tact and I did not cry too much is an achievement.
  4. Learning how to crawl, well I suppose it was not the traditional crawl on all fours but rather an activity which involved me sitting up and dragging myself.
  5. My 1st step, yes I'm sure it was extremely wobbly, like unset jelly (same effect)
  6. Learning to count to more than 10
  7. Learning the alphabet
  8. Learning how to add, subtract, multiply and divide
  9. Winning a spelling competition
  10. Overcoming my fear of swimming lessons and realising that I can swim in the deep side.
  11. Embracing ballet classes, learning to plie and enjoy wearing a leotard, stockings & lapebra (gel used to hold your hair back in a bun)
  12. Getting that A+ in my ballet exam
  13. Surviving chicken pox twice
  14. Learning how to write in cursive
  15. Learning how to bake muffins without them flopping, yes muffins can flop
  16. Learning how to rollerblade
  17. Learning how to ice skate
  18. Learning how to ride my bicycle
  19. Learning how to ride my bicycle without fairy wheels
  20. Having an older brother who was very protective from an early age and knowing exactly which buttons to push if I needed an older brothers authority or presence.
  21. Being chosen as the main angel in the Christmas play at Valley Pre Primary
  22. Spending many hours learning how to colour in the lines and not go over the lines
  23. Embracing my tomboy phase and quitting ballet for karate (I look back now after having my tooth kicked out in karate, maybe I should have stuck to ballet, its more me)
  24. Adjusting to the transition of pre primary school to primary school even with the odd burst of tears due to be way too overwhelmed.
  25. Getting a principals gold sticker for my project on Margaret Thatcher
  26. Learning to stand in front of the class at the age of 9 and present my project on apples
  27. Hiking up Lions head and making it to the top
  28. Having my 1st slow dance to Alanis Morissette
  29. Doing my 1st photoshoot for Fairlady Magazine
  30. Doing my 1st TV programme at the Tygerberg Zoo for Kideo
  31. Having to wear a top and bottom plate in order to have straightish teeth
  32. Learning how to speak Xhosa, well the basics at least
  33. Joining brownies and wearing those hideous brown outfits weekly, cap included
  34. Being elected as House Captain of Yellow House (Leopards)
  35. Making it onto the hockey, netball and athletics team.
  36. Leading my team to victory at Grade 7 International Day, months of hardwork, learning everything Indian
  37. Doing my 1st Big Walk
  38. Learning to stand up for myself & express my opinion whether its right or wrong thats why its an opinion
  39. Being named Head Girl in my Grade 7 year at Kronendal Primary School
  40. Coming in the top 5 academically for my final year at Kronendal
  41. Receiving the Best Drama student award in Grade 7
  42. Getting the Fellowship award in Grade 7
  43. Applying for high school placements is quite stressful but I managed to get into both the high schools of choice so that made life less stressful at the age of 13
  44. Hitch hiking..yes I realise its dangerous but it was for 100 meters up a steep hill after school in the middle of summer with 6 others (1st time experience..never again right)
  45. Riding a camel in Oudtshoorn at Grade 7 camp
  46. Walking and climbing through the Cango Caves even though I suffer from claustrophobia 
  47. Attending an all girls high school and realising that it was best decision ever (May sound strange but the pressures and experiences one encounters definitely prepared me for life after high school)
  48. Making the U14A hockey team despite all the Western Province and South African representatives dominating
  49. Going skinning dipping at Smitswinkelbaai
  50. Staying at Smitswinkelbaai with no electricity, no hot water, or hairdryer
  51. Flying by myself to Johannesburg at the age of 14
  52. Receiving the Fellowship Award in high school
  53. Being elected as Class Captain
  54. Organising a friends surprise party and keeping it a secret
  55. Being award award academic colours
  56. Being elected U16B Hockey captain
  57. Standing up in front of 1000 people delivering a speech trying to convince people who vote me onto the student council
  58. Sticking with Biology even though I was not a fan of dissecting
  59. Babysitting little people without them crying for mom & dad
  60. Being elected as Junior Leader in Grade 11
  61. Getting my 1st holiday job as a waitress at a coffee shop
  62. Head of Representative Council of Learners in Grade 12
  63. Being elected onto the School Council in Grade 12
  64. Student representative on School Governing Body
  65. Receiving the The Wynberg prize for excellent leadership in Grade 12
  66. Passing Grade 12 with Distinction
  67. Avoiding detention throughout my school career
  68. Never becoming addicted to cigarettes, having the ability to be a social smoker and not smoke for months
  69. Never being late for curfew (well maybe once or twice but there were real reasons)
  70. Handling my 1st break up & realising that you really will be ok
  71. Buying my 1st GHD, no more waves
  72. Sticking to my monthly budget
  73. Getting my learners licence even though I had no clue what a clutch was used for
  74. Getting my drivers 1st time around, even though my driving instructor thought I would fail
  75. Accepted into CPUT to study Marketing Management
  76. Learning to manage fellow students with group tasks
  77. Trying to overcome my fear of snakes
  78. I finally decided to follow my gut feeling when realising Marketing was not for me and change ourses to study PR
  79. Realising that its ok to wear glasses
  80. Travelling to the UK and surviving my 1st international flight on Air Namibia
  81. Making it onto the Deans List for all 3 years of my National Diploma
  82. Passing my National Diploma with distinction
  83. Graduating and attending the ceremony which was amazing
  84. Being named Top student in my final year of my National Diploma
  85. Taking a risk to follow my heart even though my head was saying no
  86. Getting my 1st proper job in the line of profession that I absolutely love
  87. Deciding to take the challenge of studying part time
  88. Hosting my 1st dinner party
  89. Buying my 1st car
  90. Learning to express myself through cooking and not poisoning anyone
  91. Teaching someone, watching them grow as a person & leave after their 1 year internship with insight, charisma and more
  92. Being part of the CSI committee at PPC and actually making an effort to try to make a small difference
  93. Directing my 1st Industrial Theatre at PPC Cement
  94. Taking a chance, a risk of the heart and attempting a long distance relationship
  95. Being able to travel and see the wonders of France at my own expense
  96. Being brave enough to embrace a culture and eat donkey (it was only one bite)
  97. Eating foie gras and actually enjoying it
  98. Trying snails for the 1st time
  99. Going sledding in the park in Reims
  100. Have my 1st real snow fight
  101. Building my 1st proper snowman
  102. Surviving a 11 hour flight to Cape Town with food poisoning and throwing up every 30 minutes
  103. Learning that its hard to let someone that you love go, but you realise that its for the best
  104. Never being admitted into hospital
  105. I have not been sent to jail yet
  106. Getting my way out of being fined R500 for speaking on my cellphone whilst driving (tears do help)
  107. Trying to cope with stress and realising that there is more to life than stress
  108. Sticking to my 3 month Curves gym contract
  109. Being ok with being alone & enjoying the quiet time
  110. Being patient with taxis even if they are breaking the rules of the road
  111. Sticking to my studying timetable
  112. Taking responsibility for my action or bad judgements
  113. Never dieting
  114. Realising that women in magazines are generally photo shopped
  115. Being elected as a Golden Key International Honours Society Member
  116. Saving water, realising that I do not need to shower for 15 minutes
  117. Embracing the foreigners during the world cup
  118. Surviving the craziness of the world cup, the partying and only getting sick on the day of the final
  119. Trying to be the best friend that I can to all my friends
  120. Learning to take criticism constructively, well at least trying
  121. Being patient & willing to manage 2 Media 2 students in Project Management assignment, even though it tested every nerve in my body.
  122. Having enough courage to attempt to play action soccer even though I've never played it before
  123. Playing my 1st soccer match and scoring my 1st goal
  124. Braaing from scratch, starting a fire with no male figure

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