Saturday, September 11, 2010

The day after my 1st soccer practice

Summer is definitely on route as the signs of Spring are evident as the smell of jasmine takes over my garden. The thought of summer should bring happy thoughts to ones mind which its does to a certain extent for me however the thought of being a beached whale in summer seems to dominate. Winter and the lack of exercise this year has most certianly taken a toll on my body and one can feel the strains on your body.Therefore the urge and motivation to get into shape became evident plus the persuasiveness of a good friend definitely helped the matter. I decided why not try out one soccer practice, how bad could it be? I can kick a ball right?

In this past week I attended my trial practice on the field of Camps Bay High School. On a warm summer evening, with the back drop of Table Mountain and calm atlantic ocean in front of you, one could not ask for a better setting for my first practice. Practice started with our coach, Brett Evans, Ajax Cape Town Soccer Player teaching us a few ball techniques this was followed by a 5 a side match. Not knowing much about soccer I listened to all instructions coming my way however it was hard to keep up. Having played hockey for several years of my life, this helped me figure out the different positions as well as what was required for each position. I played striker for most of the game, which required alot of running which eventually resulted in heavy heaving, a tight chest, lots of sweat, heavy breathing and the need for a time out. A look and feeling that I was not used too and one which would not grace the pages of the local paper. I managed to score two goals but let one goal into the net. I was not born to play a defensive position that is for sure as I cannot defend at all but give me the ball I can try run with it or kick it in the net of course that is dependent on whether or not I'm breathing or trying to catch my breath.

One feels great after a good practice, my energy levels were at an all time high which is a feeling that my body has missed. Waking up the morning after practice, I could feel the stiffness in my inner right thigh and lower back. As the day progressed the pain got worse however the positive side of the aches is the thought that my muscles are actually working.

Lets see how the next practice goes, I think I may be hooked but it may be too early to talk. Here's to attempting to get into shape and not becoming a beached whale.

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