Sunday, February 21, 2010

Time for reassessment & anti wrinkle cream

Cupcakes, jumping castles, fairies, princesses, these are the thoughts that consume my mind when i think of my birthday as a tiny tot, one should not forget Barbie.Every year we approach the day of our birth, which for some is a happy day for others its a reminder that they are aging and maybe its time to start using the anti wrinkle cream.

Birthdays should be days that we celebrate, celebrate our achievements, overcoming obstacles and most importantly sharing moments with those that are special in our lives. This years birthday brought about a feeling of reassessment. Taking a moment to look at the year that has been and assess whether you are on track with achieving goals or taking time to think is this where i thought i would be at this age, that is the big question. The reality of individuals having life plans is an everyday occurence but is it real? Do we honestly stick to our life plans? Can we stick to our life plans or are these plans just a guidance or sense of direction for where we would like to be?

The truth is whether we count down the days until our birthdays or merely try to pretend the day does not exist, our birthdays take place either way. Embrace the aging process, we all have to get old but as long as your mind is constantly challenged, you're learning new things, you are happy & healthy have an extra cupcake with butter icing and enjoy having the additional candle on your birthday cake.

"As you get older three things happen. The first is your memory goes, and I can't remember the other two."
Sir Norman Wisdom

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reflecting on this story, partly because it was my birthday. I agree, birthdays are a celebration of life, I love looking back on my life and acknowledging achievements and past failures that I happen to think I have learnt from. I think that I may not be where I want to be in life but I am enjoying the journey of getting there.
